Leiria District Travel Guide

Batalha Monastery which includes heritage architecture

Popular cities in Leiria District

Berlenga Island showing rugged coastline, heritage elements and a bridge
Known for Surfing, Swimming and Spas
Experience quaint Peniche: its surfing, spas, monuments and more!

Reasons to visit

  • Supertubos Beach
  • Fortaleza
  • Cabo Carvoeiro
Obidos featuring landscape views, tranquil scenes and a sunset
Known for Historical, Castle and Countryside
Quaint Obidos is calling! Discover its history, castle, golf and more.

Reasons to visit

  • Obidos Castle
Porto de Mos
Porto de Mos
Known for Nature, Relaxing and Hills
Trip time! Discover the parks, hiking and monuments in relaxing Porto de Mos.

Reasons to visit

  • Mira de Aire Caves
Nazare showing a coastal town, a sandy beach and general coastal views
Known for Sea, Small town and Spas
Experience quaint Nazaré: its oceanfront, spas, golf and more!

Reasons to visit

  • Nazaré Lighthouse
Known for Temples, Spas and Luxury
Upscale Alcobaça awaits: its temples, UNESCO site, countryside and more!

Reasons to visit

  • Alcobaça Monastery
Known for Historical, Castle and Culture
Come to Leiria and enjoy its castle, history and forests.